SibylsLogo The Sibyls
A Christian Spirituality Group for
Transgender People




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The Sibyls is a UK-based confidential Christian spirituality group for transgender people, their partners and their supporters.

For many people maintaining that confidentiality is essential. Your details are held in total confidence by us and will not be given to any other members or outside the group without your permission.

You should however note that social media sites, by default automatically make links to other people who are on the same social media platform. They may then post information about you on their accounts and suggest you to them as someone they could befriend. The same will also happen to you.

When other people post on your personal social media page their posts can include links which may also breach your confidentiality

It is possible to open two accounts. However Facebook for example does not approve of this. If it discovers that, it may take one down

If you do want two accounts and decide to open as second social media account for use with the Sibyls Facebook Group and other transgender issues it is strongly advised that the two groups of Friends you select on each account are kept completely separate. If there is nobody who is a friend on both groups these linkages are less likely to be made.

You can avoid many of these issues by adjusting the privacy settings on your social media account

These are issues which people should explicitly consider before having an alter ego on a social media account, or if you are in stealth and confidentiality is to be preserved.

Please note that on joining a What's App group you are sharing your mobile telephone number with others

REMEMBER THAT FOR SOME MEMBERS CONFIDENTIALITY REMAINS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. DO NOT share or post any photographs or other material which could breach this confidentiality Any views expressed by group members do not necessarily represent the views of the Sibyls Group or other group members. The administrators reserve the right to remove any content they consider is inappropriate or offensive or which does not contain a corresponding content warning. If you believe that something is offensive or inappropriate, please report it to an administrator, usually by clicking on the top right hand drop-down menu on the post itself. You can also send a private message to an administrator. The nature of conversation online means that often we may sometimes forget to respect one another in the heat of a disagreement. Please take care in whatever you post.

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